Punch: 7/9, Kick: 8, Chainsaw: 12 (STR+6, jams on botch requiring Fix
It Roll or STR roll to clear), Sword:10, 12 Gauge Double-Barrelled Sawed
Off Remington: 13/5/7
Wealth: Working Stiff |
S-Mart Housewares Specialist & Everyday Hero
Bod:8(Str 6) Chi:0(For:10)
Mnd:9(Int:4) Ref:7
Driving :11, Fix It:13, Guns:12, Info/Housewares & Hardware:12,
Info/Piano:12, Info/Pick-Up Lines:12, Info/Night School Chemistry:11, Info/Comic
Books:11, Info/S-Mart: 11, Intimidation: 14, Leadership: 13, Martial Arts:14
Lucky Bastard: Fortune Dice spent do not subtract from Fortune
This'll Do: +1 AV on any attack made with an improvised weapon
found at the site of a battle.
Lightning Reload (x3)
Unique Schtick-Metal Hand: In Army of Darkness,
Ash designs and arranges to have forged for him a clockwork prosthetic
metal hand which is seen to be strong enough to crush an iron goblet. I'm
giving it a Str 12 capable of doing 13 pts of squeezing damage then requiring
a Fix It roll to reset it, and assuming that when Ash hits someone with
it it does +3 points of damage added to his Str