New Skill
Pulp Powers (Will)
This is a combat skill, giving a Dodge AV as normal. This is the
skill of using Pulp Powers in combat and non-combat situations. It includes
a knowledge of pulp schticks and other users of them. Contacts include
scientists, occultists, and other pulp power users.
Starting with Pulp Schticks
Any character can start with a Pulp Schtick by paying the cost for it
out of their starting skill points. When purchased, the Schtick is
'attuned' to either Fu, Magic, or Fortune, which then becomes the chi source
to use the Schtick (see below).
Gaining Pulp Schticks during play
To purchase a Pulp Schtick after the start costs 8 + X, where X is the
number of pulp powers you already have.
Using Pulp Schticks
To use a Pulp Schtick, the appropriate Chi cost is deducted from the
attuned attribute. The deducted Chi points return at the end of the
current session, not at the end of a sequence. If a Pulp Schitck does not
otherwise indicate a Difficulty, the Pulp Powers check is against a difficulty
of 8.
Schticks in Gadgets
If desired, a Schtick can be placed in a gadget (a rocket pack, death
ray pistol, goggle, etc.) This reduces the cost of the Schtick by
1 pt (to a minimum of 1). The resulting Gadget can be destroyed in
combat, doesn't expend Chi, and will include a 'Max # of Uses' indicating
how many times it can be used in a session.
Gadgets have a Pulp Powers AV of 10. This AV can be increased
by spending experience (on the gadget) at a cost of X, where X is the new
AV of the Gadget.
(Note: Techies can create Gadgets like this using their Unique Schtick,
but the Fortune point loss is permanent.)
Botching Pulp Schticks
A botched use of a Pulp Schtick should have a humorous result: the user
blinded, flying out of control, etc. This should in some way lead
to a cliffhanger or complication in the current scene.